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+ Asexual reproductionReproduction which does not involve formation and fusion of gametes and results in progeny with an identical genetic constitution to the parent and to each other. Reproduction may occur by binary fission, budding, asexual spore formation or vegetative propagation. In asexual division in eukaryotic organisms, all cell divisions are by mitosis.424973
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Locality (MRGID)Marine Regions Geographic IDentifier (MRGID) for a place name in the Marine Regions gazetteer
+ Body shapeThe general shape of the body of an organism.
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Body sizeA measurement of the size of the organism. The measurement used to express body size varies within taxonomic groups. For example, some disciplines measure diameter, others carapace length, total body length or wing span. Also, body size can vary with sex and life stage.
+ Corresponding lengthCorresponding length of a length-width pair for Nematoda.
+ Corresponding widthCorresponding width of a length-width pair for Nematoda.
+ DimensionThe dimension of a body size (e.g. length, width, diameter).
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Locality (MRGID)Marine Regions Geographic IDentifier (MRGID) for a place name in the Marine Regions gazetteer
+ SexThe sex of an organism. The sum of all structural, functional and behavioural characteristics distingiusing males, females and hermaphrodites. (Lincoln et al., 1998). The sum characteristics, structures, features and functions by which a plant or animal is classed as male or female. In some animals sex is entirely genetically determined, in others the sex may change in response to environmental conditions. (Henderson's dictionary of biology; Lawrence, 2005)416344
+ TypeThe type of a body size (e.g. minimum, maximum, average).
+ UnitThe unit of a body size (e.g. m, cm, mm).
+ CalcificationMode of calcification of seaweed.
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ CytomorphologyThis trait describes whether or not an organism is unicellular. For algae, this means the relationship between cell structure and thallus organisation. Examples include uninucleate unicellular organisms, multicellular thalli composed of uninucleate cells, multicellular thalli composed of multinucleate cells, and macroscopic thalli composed of a single giant tubular cell (siphonous or acellular thalli).380516
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Dispersion mode1: The pattern of distribution of organisms or populations in space. 2: The non-accidental movement of individuals into or out of an area or population, typically a movement over a relatively short distance and of a more or less regular nature; cf. migration. (Lincoln et al., 1998)416344
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Environmental positionPosition relative to substratum or fluid medium (air/water).
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Gamete typeDescriptors of the relative size of gametes.
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Gametophyte arrangementTrait that describes the male and female reproductive structures.
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Generation time1: The average duration of a life cycle between birth and reproduction. 2: The mean period of time between reproduction of the parent generation and reproduction of the first filial generation. (Lincoln et al., 1998). Period of time to complete a life cycle in the lab. (Definition composed by Line Le Gall, Olivier De Clerck, Sofie Vranken and Marine Robuchon, based on diverse literature sources, in the framework of compiling macroalgae traits.) 416344
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Life cycleThe type of life cycle an organism has. Life cycle according to Lincoln et al., 1998: 1: The sequence of events from the origin as a zygote, to the death of an individual. 2: Those stages through which an organism passes between the production of gametes by one generation and the production of gametes by the next.416344
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Life spanLongevity; the maximum or mean duration of life of an individual or group.416344
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Macroalgal bloomingTypes of blooming specific for macroalgae species.
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Locality (MRGID)Marine Regions Geographic IDentifier (MRGID) for a place name in the Marine Regions gazetteer
+ Reproductive frequencyTrait that describes the fertility period of an organism.
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ SeasonalityTrait that describes the periodicity of an organism related to the seasons.
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Locality (MRGID)Marine Regions Geographic IDentifier (MRGID) for a place name in the Marine Regions gazetteer
+ SpawningThe release of gametes or eggs into the water (Lincoln et al., 1998).416344
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Thallus vertical space usedTrait that describes whether an organism belongs to the canopy, sub-canopy, turf, or is encrusting.
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Tolerance to pollutantsTrait that describes how tolerant to pollutants an organism is.
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Wave exposureTrait that describes the range of exposure to wave action in which the organism is recorded.
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ ZonationThe distribution of organisms in distinctive areas, layers or zones. It is important to note that variations in depth and definition occur depending on the source, area or research purpose. The depth ranges and definitions within the zonation attribute were agreed upon by the WoRMS Steering Committee based on diverse sources.
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)
+ Life stage(click on Life stage at the bottom of the page to expand)

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