AlgaeTraits source details
Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1834 [details]
(Fabricus) in stead of the author Rathke. [details]
was given as Johnston, in most works prior to 1994. [details]
Author: (Linnaeus) according to Hayward & Ryland (1990). [details]
Nielsen C. O. and Christensen B., 1959 [details]
This authority places the genus under the family Sphenomonadidae [details]
This authority places the genus under the family Cyathomonadidae. [details]
This authority places the genus under the family Heteronematidae. [details]
This authority places the genus under the family Heteronematidae. [details]
Some authorities consider this genus as a zoological group and place it under the zoological name of the family ... [details]
This authority places the genus under the family Heteronematidae. [details]
This genus was placed by these authorities in the family Lophodiniidae but according to Algaebase this genus is ... [details]
Some authorities consider this genus as a zoological group and place it under the zoological name of the family ... [details]
This authority places the genus under the family Sphenomonadidae [details]
This authority places the genus under the family Heteronematidae. [details]
This authority places the genus under the family Sphenomonadidae [details]
Some authorities consider this genus as a zoological group and place it under the zoological name of the family ... [details]
This genus is classified in family Heteroceridae by Hayward & Ryland (1990). [details]
This authority places the genus under the family Sphenomonadidae [details]
Some authorities consider this genus as a zoological group and place it under the zoological name of the family ... [details]
This authority considered the genus as zoological and placed it under the family Prasinocladidae, but according to ... [details]
This authority places the genus under the family Heteronematidae [details]
This species has not been recorded frequently but may have a distribution similar to that of A. echinata. However, ... [details]
absent from the west coast of Jutland and the Baltic [details]
An artic species which reaches its southernmost limits around Shetland. [details]
Amongst vegetation in shallow brackish water. [details]
Absent from Baltic and eastern basin of English Channel [details]
Cosmopolitan in temperate and warm temperate seas [details]
absent from Belgium, Holland, east coast of Denmark, and Baltic Sea [details]
All coasts, but uncommon in south, not present around Channel Islands [details]
Common and generally distributed. [details]
Occurs in littoral subsoil and salt-marshes on the east coast of England. [details]
south-west and south-east Scotland; southwest England; coasts of Norway [details]
All British coasts, but apparently not common. [details]